ARRL DX Bulletin 055: December 12, 1996

DX Bulletin 55 ARLD055
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT December 12, 1996
To all radio amateurs

ARLD055 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with info provided by Tedd, KB8NW, the OPDX Bulletin, Juan, LW5EJQ, the DX News Letter, 425DXNews, and Contest Corral from QST. Thanks to all.

BARBADOS, 8P. Ralph, K2PF, and Steve, KU9C, will be active from December 12 through 17 as 8P9GE and 8P9GD, respectively. They plan to operate in the ARRL 10 meter contest and other bands before and after the contest. They also plan to be active during RS12 satellite passes. QSL via home calls.

MALDIVES, 8Q. Chris, HB9CYV, and Martin, HB9CYN, will be active from Bandos Island from December 19 through January 1. Their callsigns will be 8Q7YV, and 8Q7YN, respectively. Their activities will be mostly CW and SSB and maybe RTTY. Operations will be on all bands, including the newer bands. QSL via bureau.

GHANA, 9G. Marcia is active for the next two years from Tamale as 9G1TM. She will be operating on SSB only, mostly on 20 through 10 meters, including the newer bands. QSL via G4XTA.

THAILAND, HS. Ray, 9M2/G3NOM, reports a first time operation is planned on Thailand's second biggest island, Koh Chang, for the period of December 12 through 15. They expect to be active as HS50A on all bands, using CW, SSB, RTTY, Packet, and possibly Satellite. QSL via the Thailand Bureau, PO Box 2008, Bangkok, 10501, Thailand.

MONGOLIA, JT. Mike, NI7T, will be active again as JT1FBT in December. QSL via NI7T.

ARGENTINA, LU. The Pekermans DX Group will be active as LW9DHU/D from Martin Garcia Island, IOTA SA 055, in the ARRL 10 meter contest. QSL via LW5EJQ.

EASTERN KIRIBATI, T32. Look for DF6FK to be active December 24 as T32BB. QSL via DF6FK.

CENTRAL KIRIBATI, T31. After his operation from Eastern Kiribati, DF6FK will also be active as T31BB on December 27. QSL via DF6FK.

BELIZE, V3. Mike, W5ZPA, Stan, W5JYK and Wondy, K5KR, will be active on CW, SSB and RTTY. Mike and Stan will sign V31MP and V31YK, respectively. Wondys call is unknown at this time. QSL via home calls.

FALKLAND ISLANDS, VP8. Brian, ZD7BJ, will be active from the Falklands for the next two years as VP8CWN. He can be found regularly after his sked with ZD7XY on 14240 kHz at 2000 UTC. QSL via ZD7BJ.

THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The ARRL 10 Meter Contest and the TARA RTTY Sprint are scheduled for this weekend. Please see December QST, page 94 for details.