Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 304
May 12, 1997

The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 304
BID: $OPDX.304
May 12, 1997
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, W2UDT, KF2TI, W3UR & The Daily DX, N4GN, F6AJA, G3NOM, G4BUE & DX News Sheet, G0WMW, IK1HLG, JA1ELY, JA3TJA, LA4BN and VK1FF/WB2FFY for the following DX information.

SPECIAL NOTE FROM EDITOR: NO BULLETIN NEXT WEEK..... Your editor will be attending the Dayton HamVention. Hope to see you there. As usual, please keep sending your DX information. (You never know, I may put one together if I receive enough information before I leave.)

3A, MONACO. The "DX News Sheet reports Marc, ON5FP, and Kristof, ON6NN, will be active July 21-24th as 3A/ON5FP and 3A/ON6NN. This will be a SSB only operation. QSL via ON5FP direct or via bureau. Meanwhile, reports from Italy state that Tony, IK1QBT, and Mauro, IK1CJO, will be active from May 31st to June 2nd, signing 3A/homecall. Tony will operate on all bands (WARC bands included) but CW only. Mauro will be active on RTTY only. For RTTY, check 21082, 14082 and 7037 kHz. The QSLs may go via the bureau or direct to their resp ectives home calls:

IK1QBT, Tony Gallo, Via Capo S.Spirito 1/16, 17020 Borghetto Santo Spirito (SV), Italy
IK1CJO, Mauro Ferrua, Casella Postale 41, 17031 Albenga (SV), Italy

3D2, FIJI. Jack, VK2GJH, will be active from Suva Rabi Island as 3D2JH. Activity will be from June 27th to August 5th. Look for activity on 80-6 meters. During his stay on Fiji, he plans to make a trip to Tuvalu (T2) on July 5th to be active as T20JH, from Funafuti. His length of stay is unknown. QSL to CBA.

3Z0, POLAND. Look for 3Z0JP to be active between May 20th and June 15th. This special event station will be on the air to celebrate the visit of Pope John Paul II to Poland. Activity will be on CW/SSB with operations on 80-10 meters. Also look for 6 and 2 meters SSB activity. QSL via SP6GVU.

5R, MADAGASCAR. 5R8DA is now reportedly active on 6 meters. He is using an IC-706 with a five element beam. Meanwhile, YL Nonia, 5R8FJ, has been active and was found this past week on 17 meters (around 18075). Her activity was during 0945z and 1100z.

9N, NEPAL. Another operator is headed here to be active sometime in May. Be on the look out for Murray, VE5SM, who plans to sign as 9N1SM. Operations will be on 20 and 40 meters only. QSL via VE8PW direct or via the bureau.

BV, TAIWAN. Ikuo, JA3TJA, states he and Katsumi, JH3IMR, will be visiting Brouce, BV2KI, and will be active from his QTH. They plan to be active from May 28-30th. The two operators will be signing BV/JH3IMR and BV/JA3TJA. Their planned activity will be on 40-10 meters using mainly RTTY and SSB. QTH via their home call.

BS7H'S EARLY DEPARTURE UPDATE. Excerpts from Tim's (N4GN) press release state "the Philippine government announced on 28 April (within hours of the BS7H/MM departure from Guangzhou) that three Chinese military ships had been spotted in the area around Mischief Reef in the Spratly Islands. Mischief Reef is claimed by both the Philippines and China. Philippine President Fidel Ramos immediately lodged an official diplomatic protest with Beijing, and ordered increased Navy and Air Force presence in the area. Although the Spratly Islands lie some 300 miles to the south of Scarborough Reef, news of the escalating tensions in the region was immediately relayed to the BS7H crew. The expedition to Scarborough actually involved two P.R.C. Ocean Bureau vessels--one carrying the BS7H team with an Ocean Bureau crew, the other carrying only Ocean Bureau personnel. The two Ocean Bureau captains were disturbed by the news from the Spratly Islands, but everyone agreed to press on toward Scarborough. On the first day of on-the-air operations by BS7H (30 April), two Philippine military reconnaisance jets overflew the reef at low altitude. Then, late on 01 May, a Philippine Navy ship arrived at the reef, eventually followed by a second Philippine military vessel. Philippine Navy officers visited each of the three BS7H operating sites. They were reported to be very friendly--even bringing medicine to relieve the gastrointestinal ills suffered by some of the BS7H team! In discussions with the BS7H team and the captain of the lead Ocean Bureau vessel, however, the officers asserted the Philippine position that Scarborough Reef lies within the 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) claimed by the Philippines." So in short, the BS7H team left the reef due to the presence of the Philippine Navy and to "avoid a further escalation of tensions". For this reason, the two Ocean Bureau captains made the decision to leave the reef and return to Guangzhou, cutting the planned seven-day BS7H operation down to only three days. (The complete press release will be sent to all OPDX InterNet Subscribers as an additional bulletin.)


FR, REUNION. Olivier was issued the callsign FR5HG. (Attention this callsign was used once before by F5MXQ in 1996!!). The correct QSL route for Olivier is: Olivier Dijoux, 40 route Gabriel Mace, 97490 Sainte Clotilde, France.


T8, BELAU. Naoki, JE7RJZ will be active from Parau. He usually signs KC6JZ, but hopes to sign T88JZ from May 30th to June 1st. Operations will be on all bands 80-10 meters, mainly on CW. He is considing activity on AO-10 satellite as well but has not decided yet. He will also make a short trip to Guam as WH2M on his return trip home. QSL via JA7FWR direct or via JARL bureau.

TF, ICELAND (YL activity). YLs Ruth, IT9ESZ, and Ruth, LA6ZH, will be active from Reykjavik as TF/IT9ESZ and TF/LA6ZH (respectively), from June 13-20th. Suggested frequencies will be: CW - 7020-7030, 14020-14030, 21020-21030 kHz and SSB - 7060-7070, 14240-14250, 21280-21290 kHz. QSL to their home addresses:

IT9ESZ - Ruth B. Geering, Via S. Nicola 9, I-90146 Palermo, Italy.
LA6ZH - Ruth Tollefsen, P.O. Box 17 Tveita, N-0617 Oslo, Norway.
InterNet E-mail is accepted before and after the operation to: jetpro@sn.no InterNet E-mail during the operation should go to: jetpro@mmedia.is Meanwhile, Bert, PA3DWD, will be active June 26th to July 16th as TF/PA3DWD. He will try to be active from different grid squares, especially on 6 meters (50123 kHz) and 10 meters (28885 kHz). QSL via home call.

V7, MARSHALL ISLAND. The "DX News Sheet" reports Tim, N2PC, will be active from here for 4/5 years. No QSNs have been reported yet, but look for V73AT to be active on all bands. QSL via K2CL.

YO, ROMANIA. Jean, F6AJA, will be active as YO/F6AJA from May 19-24th. He will operate (when he has free time) from YO8FZ's QTH or from the YO8KGA club station.

SPECIAL NOTE FROM THE EDITOR. Please send all DX announcements/information "ONLY" to the addresses below and "NOT" to the distribution InterNet address of: dxinfo@barf80.nshore.org

OPDX WORLD-WIDE WEB HOME (provided by John, K8YSE):

Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 and leave a message with the Sysop or send InterNet Mail to one of the two following addresses: kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org -or- aq474@cleveland.freenet.edu - OR - Send a message via packet to KB8NW @ WA8BXN.OH.USA.NA - OR - Use the VOICE or FAX answering machine at 216-237-8208 which shares the same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. To access: 1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false ring from the fax/data switch box) and then dial four quick ones ("1111"). (NOTE: Some FAX machines that send single "BEEPS" every second will not have to do this step.) 3) The phone will pick up and after the "BEEP" leave your voice message or FAX.

Tedd Mirgliotta KB8NW InterNet: kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org
Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS (BARF-80) +1 216/237-8208
"Totally devoted to Amateur Radio" - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 14.4k-300 baud