DX Newsletter 1026: January 1, 1997

DX-MB 1026 - 1/1/1997
DX News Letter
Editor: Michael, DJ5AV


translated into English by Bob, DL7VOA
(Internet: robert@wirtschaft.tu-ilmenau.de)
(packet radio: DB0ERF.#THR.DEU.EU)

Starting with this number I am the new editor of the DX Newsletter. Please send your information and questions to Michael Oerter, Birkenweg 19, D-88633 Heiligenberg, Germany (phone/fax +49 7554 990775). I am QRV in packet radio via OE9XPI.AUT.EU and (nearly) always standby on the DX cluster HB9W-8. I ask all readers to support me and wish you all a successful 1997 with many DX!

Michael, DJ5AV


3D2 - FIJI Uli, HB9DDM, is on the air during his holiday trip signing 3D2UK from January 12-22. QSL via homecall, ok via bureau.

H4 - SOLOMON ISLANDS Bernhard, DL2GAC, shall be QRV again as H44MS from 160m-10m in February or March. QSL via homecall.

KH2 - GUAM Jim, KH2D, is QRV especially on 1828 kHz during the next months. He will listen for Europe around 2030 UTC. QSL directly to K8NA or to the CBA of KH2D.


3B8 - MAURITIUS Laurent is active signing 3B8/F5PYI until January 3. QSL via F5PYI.

FR - REUNION FR5GM is the call of F6AFJ who was announced for 20m and 15m SSB between December 25 and February 15. Times: 1100-1200 UTC and 1600-1800 UTC.

V5 - NAMIBIA WA1JBB, ex C53HG, is active as V5/WA1JBB until he receives an own Namibian call. QSL direct only via W3HCW.


FP - ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON WA1CFS (ex N1REU) plans to operate from here on 2-160m perhaps also via satellite in August.

KG4 - GUANTANAMO BAY WT4K and KG4AU plan to take part in the ARRL RTTY Contest signing KG4GC in the multi/single class. QSL to WT4K (ex KQ4GC) via bureau or with SASE.

HR - HONDURAS HR/KS9W and HR/K9BG were announced especially in CW for Jan 8-15. HR/K9BG will work also in RTTY. QSL via homecalls.

J3 - GRENADA Joe, WB8GEX, is signing J3K in SSB on 80m-10m from December 31 till January 7.

P4 - ARUBA K9UWA is active especially on the lowbands from January 11-27. He will sign P40WA during the 160m Contest.

TI9 - COCOS ISLAND The activity of TI4CF (DX-NL 1023) shall start after January 4.

V2 - ANTIGUA NM9H and KX9X will be active from February 12-19. The applied for the call V26CW during the ARRL CW Contest. QSL with SASE via home-calls.


3W - VIETNAM LA6RHA is announced as 3W6RHA on 14182 and 14248 kHz for one week starting December 30. QSL via homecall.

7O - YEMEN Zorro, JH1AJT, and Franz, DJ9ZB, were active on 10m-80m in SSB only until December 22. During the next activity (April 1997) they want to operate also in CW and RTTY.

VU7 - ANDAMAN ISLANDS After a delay of about 20 months the equipment sponsored by the HIDXA arrived at Mani's, VU2JPS, place on Christmas.


KC4: Nikolai Makarov, UA3YH, is QRV from the Amundsen Scott South Pole Station signing KC4AAA and UA3YH/KC4 until the end of January. CW: 14020 kHz; SSB: 14180 kHz 1600 UTC bis 1900 UTC for Europe. KC4AAA via NC6J.


TIME            CALL          DX-NL

  until 3.1.    3B8/F5PYI     1026
 12.1.-22.1.    3D2UK         1026
30.12.- 6.1.    3W6RHA        1026
29.12.-12.1.    6Y    (I5JHW) 1024
 14.1.-24.1.    9H    (LX1PS) 1026
 13.1.-19.1.    CU2/DL3KUD    1021
30.12.-12.1.    CU8/DL3KUD    1021
from Feb/97     FT5ZG         1020
Feb/97-Mar/97   H44MS         1026
Nov/96-Apr/97   HP    (F2JD)  1020
  8.1.-15.1.    HR/K9BG       1026
 17..1.-17.2.    HS0/DL2FDK    1024
16.12.- 3.1.    JA8FCG/JD1    1023
  4.1.- 5.1.    KG4GC         1026
a few months    KH2D          1026
Nov/96-Dec/96   PZ5HP         1020
27.12.- ???     T31BB         1024
 14.1.-21.1.    T32HA         1023
  4.1.-2 weeks  TI9CF         1023
  1996/1997     V5/WA1JBB     1026
 12.2.-19.2.    V2/NM9H etc.  1026
 13.1.-27.1.    VK0IR         1016

Bandspots of the last 8 days

   1A0KM       1833  1751 via IK0FVC
   A92GD       1829  2322
   JW5NM       1830  0004 via LA5NM
   TI4CF       1830  0636
   ZL2JR       1831  0749

   7X4JF       3797  2236 Moktar, via CBA
   8Q7YN       3505  2107
   9X5HF       3508  2155
   FG/F2HE     3505  0427
   JW5NM       3507  0650 via LA5NM
   T31BB       3786  0628 via DF6FK
   TI2CC       3782  0616 with TI4CF
   ZK1DI       3520  0726 via DK1RV

   3W5FM       7005  2334 via UA0FM
   7X4AN       7008  2120
   7X4AN       7008  2120
   8Q7YN       7003  1819 via HB9CYN
   8Q7YV       7002  1927 via HB9CYV
   8R1RPN      7086  2255 via OH0XX
   FS5PL       7080  2324 via KF0UI
   HP3XUG      7007  0027
   HS0ZZA      7004  0021 via KM1R
   S0RASD      7045  2010 via EA2JG
   TR8BAR      7005  0524 POB 177, Libreville
   VK9PG       7006  2008 Lord Howe Island
   ZK1DI       7004  0846 via DK1RV

   1A0KM      10101  1438 via IK0FVC
   5R8FK      10105  2304 OP Ray
   JQ1SUO/JD1 10106  2124
   PJ2AM      10104  2022
   ZK1DI      10104  0603 CQ EU

   1A0KM      14081  1352 RTTY
   FR/ON6TT   14176  1739
   J28JY      14082  1237 via F6BFH
   JQ1SUO/JD1 14032  0900
   K9AW/KH2   14032  0820 via WF5T
   T31BB      14195  0740 via DF6EK
   TI2/ON7ZM  14197  2105 via TI2CC
   UA3YH/KC4  14020  1714 via RW3XA
   ZK1DI      14252  0645

   5N0T       18150  1506 via F2YT
   5R8FK      18070  1216
   8Q7YV      18069  0859 via HB9CYV
   A41LZ      18140  1200
   K9AW/KH2   18072  0905 via WF5T
   KH0/ZL1OG  18153  1044 Don in Saipan, LP
   R1ANZ      18070  0929 via UW1ZC
   TT8ED      18145  0930 via F5SEC

   3B8CF      21035  1210
   5Z4BZ      21039  1259 PO Box 41784, Nairobi
   A61AH      21234  1017
   JQ1SUO/JD1 21260  0820 Eiji/Ogasawara Island

   9J2BO      24900  1039 PB  34554
   TL8EJ      24898  1033 via F6FNU
   V51SG      24955  1003 Sigi, Kombat

   V51BI      28039  1016
   CX8CP      28445  1848
   9G1BJ      28450  1054 direct via G4XTA
   OD5PY      28520  1011 via buro


1A - SMOM 1A0KM became QRV surprisingly in CW/SSB/RTTY with good signals. QSL via IK0FVC, also via bureau!

9H - MALTA LX1BS, LX2BN and IZ3AHY are announced also for 160m and SSTV from January 14-24. QSL via IK3OYS.

VK0IR - HEARD ISLAND Peter, ON6TT, and Arie, PA3DUU, recognised on Reunion that 400kg of the equipment arrived safe from Belgium. Meanwhile most of the operators should have arrived on the island. The ship will be loaded on January 2.


TNX for information to QST, INSIDE DX, 425 DXNEWS, LesNouvelles DX, DL7MAE, HB9DDM, JA0DAI, OPDX and others.