Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 249, April 1, 1996

The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 249
BID: $OPDX.249
April 1, 1996
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, N1LJA, K4CEF, KF8VW, DF4RD, DL7VOA, DL9GOA & DX News Letter, EA4BT, F8RU, G3NYY, G4BUE & DX News Sheet, PAGBQ and VE9AA for the following DX information.

3C, EQUATORIAL GUINEA. Teo, 3C1DX, has been active this past week from the city of Bata. He was passing out contacts mainly on 20 and 40 meters CW, but was also heard on 14195 kHz at 1950z. QSL via EA6BH, Mateo Campomar Munar, Reina M Mompeller 74 B, 07007 Palma Mallorca, Spain

4U1SCO. If you had a chance to work the UNESCO Paris Headquarters over the past weekend, the QSL information is via F5SNJ. Another operation will take place in October. The license has been issued by U.N. Telecommunications Office in New York.

9G5BQ QSL CARDS. Steve, PA3GBQ, reports that the full color cards of the 9G5BQ holiday/operation in January 1996, are ready from the printer. Every direct card received will be sent out this week. "Sorry for the delay", Steve, 9G5BQ operator, PA3GBQ.

9H, MALTA. Win, DK9IP, who was active as 9H0DX during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest during this past weekend, will continue to be active as 9H3WK until April 4.

C56CW and C56DX, WRAP-UP (The Gambia). DL2RUM, DL7BO, DL7DF, DL7UFR and DL7URH would like to thank everyone for all contacts that were made March 5-18th. Their QTH was Kololi/Serekunda near Banjul (capital city). They were mostly active with 2 separate stations making a total of 29313 QSOs. QSL information for C56CW and C56DX (only for this operation) is via DL7DF (ex DL7UUO), Sigi Presch, Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123, 12621 Berlin, Germany.

CY0, SABLE ISLAND. Just a quick update on the CY0AA DXpedition. The team is possibly planning to be active for 7-10 days somewhere between June 18th and July 2nd. More sponsors have been added: Cushcraft, SMIRK, Battlecreek, SM7AED and ARNE. Activity will be on 160-2 meters SSB/CW/RTTY with one station placing its emphasis on 6 meters.

FO, FRENCH POLYNESIA. The DX News Sheet reports a group of VK and other operators will be active in April as FO0OM/P from Dundas Reef.

FT5, CROZET. FT5WF continues to be active and was reported one morning on 14226.5 at 1255z (NO net) with very few takers. He had a S5 signal on the longpath. W5HVV reports working him easily with 100 watts. QSL via F5IZK.

GD, ISLE OF MAN. Be looking for Rick, AI5P, who should be active now and until April 25th as GD0/AI5P. QSL to home call.

J3, GRENADA. Joe, WB8GEX, will be active as J3K from April 5-12th. Activity will be on 160-10 meters. QSL to: Joe Pater, 1894 Old Oxford Rd, Hamilton, Ohio 45013

OOPS DEPARTMENT (The fingers were faster than the brain on this one!) The QSL route for 5R8EN that was printed in last weeks' OPDX Bulletin #248 was incorrect. The correct QSL manager for 5R8EN and 5R8EN/P is F6AJA (not F6ARA as reported).

PY0F, FERNANDO DE NORONHA. PY5GU/PY0F was active last weekend during the WPX contest, but will continue to be active until the first part of this week. Check around 14223 kHz around 2130z. QSL via home call.

S0, WESTERN SAHARA. Remember to look for S020R this week between April 3-7th, on 160-6 meters CW/SSB/RTTY with 3 stations running 24 hours a day. The operators are F6EXV, F2XV, EA2KL, EA2JG, EA2BSJ, EA2AM, EA2CNU, EA2CLS, EA2BP, EA2CZM, EA3ELM and EA3GBU. All QSLs via EA2JG, Arseli Echeguren B., Las Vegas 81, 01479 Luyando, Alava, Spain.

VP9, BERMUDA. Paul, N1LJA, of the Connecticut DX Association, will be operating from IOTA NA-005 as N1LJA/VP9 from approximately June 9-15th. He will be operating only 100 watts to a "Vertical Windom Antenna" on 40-10 meters SSB. Suggested frequencies: 7260, 14260, 18160, 21360, 24960 and 28460 kHz with allowances for propagation and QRM. Please QSL to his home call.
Also look for Jay, K4ZLE, who will be active April 7-14th as VP9/K4ZLE operating mostly CW and some RTTY with a TS-50 and G5RV.

WHERE IS PETER? Peter Casier, ON6TT, reports he has just returned home (from 5X-land) and is on leave for 14 days. He indicates that he has not been on the air from 5X-land yet because his cargo was delayed for 2 months, and his license application has not been approved yet. Peter expects that his license should arrive upon his return to Uganda. He states that he misses being on HF, but he has found and rented a great location to operate from once he is able to be on the air. After his return to Uganda, he will be traveling in the region, and hopes to be a guest operator from 5Z, 5H and 9U. Peter has an E-mail address in Uganda and it is: wfp@starcom.co.ug

ZD7, ST. HELENA ISLAND (and maybe ZD8 also!). Andy, G4ZVJ, is now signing ZD7VJ and will be active from now until April 12th. His operations will be CW only on 1827.5, 3503, 7003, 10107, 14027, 18077, 21027, 24897 and 28027 kHz (+/- QRM) listening up. There is a possibility of activity from Ascension Island from April 16-23rd with Andy signing as ZD8VJ. QSL via G4ZVJ (NEW ADDRESS!), Andy Chadwick, 5 Thorpe Chase, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 1UA, England.

ZD8, ASCENSION ISLAND. Just a reminder, that Jim, N6TJ, will be active again as ZD8Z from April 16-24th. Activity will be on the usual DX frequencies but especially on 14160 kHz (2000z) and 21250 kHz (1900z). QSL via VE3HO.

* SPECIAL NOTE FROM EDITOR: There will be no bulletin next week (April 8th). I will be spending the holiday with family instead of writing Sunday morning. Please keep sending your DX information. If a special announcement takes place, I will still distribute the information through the OPDX Mailing List.

Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 and leave a message with the Sysop or send InterNet Mail to one of the three following addresses: kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org / aq474@cleveland.freenet.edu / DFJH48A@prodigy.com - OR - Send a message via packet to KB8NW @ WA8BXN.OH.USA.NA - OR - Use the VOICE or FAX answering machine at 216-237-8208 which shares the same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. To access: 1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false ring from the fax/data switch box) and then dial four quick ones ("1111"). (NOTE: Some FAX machines that send single "BEEPS" every second will not have to do this step.) 3) The phone will pick up and after the "BEEP" leave your voice message or FAX.

Tedd Mirgliotta KB8NW
InterNet: kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org
Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS (BARF-80) +1 216/237-8208
"Totally devoted to Amateur Radio" - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 14.4k-300 baud