DX News Letter 1217
October 2, 2000

DX-NL 1217 - October 2, 2000
DX News Letter
Editor: Michael, DJ5AV

(e-mail: dxmb@darc.de)

English by: Bob, DL7VOA
(e-mail: dl7voa@darc.de)


4W - EAST TIMOR Dennis, 4W/K7BV, Made, YB9BV, and Dick, 4W/N6FF, intend to operate with two stations especially on 40-160m (1827.5 kHz, 5 up) in the beginning of October. Pilot station is Rod, WC7N. QSL via KU9C. Check also ther website http://www.qth.com/k7bv/timor/

FO - FRENCH POLYNESIA Baldur, DJ6SI, shall stay on Tahiti. No further information on possible radio activities.

KH0 - MARIANA ISLANDS Yama, JA1SGU, and Kazu, JJ1KZI, are operating as KH0T and KH0V from Saipan (OC-086) from Oct 5-8. They work mostly CW on 80-10m (also WARC). QSLs direct to their homecalls. --- Hide, JF1VXB, is working as KH0M from Saipan working in SSB/CW/RTTY/ PSK31 and amplifier on 80-6m from Oct 5-10 (and in Oceania Contest). QSL via JARL bureau to JF1VXB or direct to his CBA.

KH5 - PALMYRA ISLAND Mike, KH6ND/KH5, shall return to Palmyra these days. He already has about 22.000 QSOs in his log! QSL via K4STJ.

T8 - PALAU Kazuo, JA3ART, and Katsuji, JR3KFX, shall be on the air as T88JJ and T88FX from Palau (OC-009) working in SSB/CW/RTTY/PSK31 on 6-80m from Oct 6-9. Emphasis will be put on RTTY and WARC. QSLs via bureau to their homecalls or direct to their CBAs (JA3ART: Kazuo Ebihara, Box 62, Sakyo, Kyoto, 606-8691 Japan). --- T88NK (QSL via JA2AAU), T88IC (via JA2AIC), T88FO (via JR2FOR), T88MI (via JJ2KYT) shall be QRV in SSB/CW/SSTV on 40/20/15/10/6m and on 10m FM from Oct 4-7.

VK9N - NORFOLK ISLAND After attending an international YL meeting in New Zealand a YL team formed by G0FIP, JR3MVF, LA6RHA, OH1MK, R3/SM0FIB, SM0HNV, SM0UQW, VE7YL, VK3DYL, VK4SJ, VK6DE, VK6YF and ZL2AZY will activate AX9YL from OC-005 from Oct 5-12. They plan to appear with noticeable SSB and CW signals even without beams and power amplifiers. QSL via VK3 bureau or direct to the CBA of Gwen, VK3DYL (with SAE and sufficient return postage).

YJ - VANUATU Hrane, YT1AD, and Dragan, Z32AU, did not appear as YJ0 but as YJ2AD and YJ2AU. QSLs via homecalls.


3B6 - AGALEGA ISLAND Officials of the newly elected Mauritius Government have asked the team to postpone the expedition for 2-3 weeks for security reasons. Since there are only two regular ships per year heading to 3B6 they have to postpone their activity for six months until May 2001. Right now they have to cancel their flights, the air freight, get the two tons of customs cleared equipment out of Zurich airport, ship the antennas back to Force12, the radios back to Germany and store the rest of the equipment in some stores for six months. Nevertheless they will stick to their information policy and publish a bulletin for the DX community on a monthly basis. More information is still available at: http://www.agalega2000.ch

9G - GHANA Bart, PA3GGM, and three more OPs are QRV as 9G1AA (and personal callsigns) working on 20/40/80m (perhaps also 160m and 6m SSB) from Oct 6-24.


C6 - BAHAMAS Lanny, W5BOS/C6A, will be on the air from Cay Sal Bank (NA-new) for two or three days starting on Oct 6 or 7. QSL via W5BOS.

XE - MEXICO Gabi, XE2/HA3JB, and Bill, XE2/W5KAU, will hit the airwaves in CW/RTTY/PSK on all bands on Oct 6/7. QSL via bureau or direct to the CBA of HA3JB.


VU - INDIA VU2HF2000 was QRV in CW/SSB on 10-40m celebrating the Y2K Hamfest in Hyderabad between Sep 30 and Oct 2. QSL via Jose, VU2JOS.


SV/A - MOUNT ATHOS Monk Apollo hits the airwaves with the special callsign SY2A from Oct 1 until the end of the year. QSL via the CBA of SV2ASP.

OH0 - ALAND ISLANDS Mikko, OH0/OH3FM (QSL via OH3FM), Jussi, OH0/OH3YM (via OH3YM), Pertti, OH0LQK (via OH3LQK), Alpo, OH0MFP (via OH3MFP), and Markus, OH0KCB (via OH3RM) are active from EU-002 especially in CW and RTTY on 10-80m between Sep 30 and Oct 7.

OJ0 - MARKET REEF OJ0/DL7SEP was worked on 30 and 40m. QSL via DL7SEP, length of stay unknown.


OCEANIA DX Contest SSB: Oct 7, 1000 UTC till Oct 8, 1000 UTC. Bands: 10-160m Work: Australian and Oceanian stations. Exchange: RS + serial number.


DATE              CALL            DXNL

Oct 1 -Oct 20     3A/DJ7RJ        1216
Oct 8 -Oct 24     3B6RF           1195, 1215, 1217 *
Nov 3 -Nov 17     3B8 (DL7DF etc) 1216
NOW               3B8GO           1208
Oct 5 -Oct 10     3D2AD, 3D2AU    1216
NOW               3XY2D           1216
NOW   -2001       4O8/9X0A        1201
NOW   -Feb/2001   4W6FK           1216
NOW               4W/K7BV etc     1217 *
NOW               5B4/G0DEZ       1209
Oct 3 -Oct 9      5V7DF ??        1216
Sep 30-Oct 9      8Q7AB           1216
Oct 6 -Oct 24     9G1AA etc       1217 *
Sep 16-Oct 8      9H0VRZ etc      1214

Oct 25-Nov 11     A3  (DJ7ZG etc) 1216
Sep/2000          A9  (K4SXT)     1206
NOW   -Nov 2      AX8AM           1207
Oct 5 -Oct 12     AX9YL           1217 *
Oct 6 -Oct 10     W5BOS/C6A       1217 *
NOW   -Nov        CE etc (PY1VOY) 1214
Mar/99-2001       E4/G3WQU        1140
Sep 28-Oct 5      EA6/HA6NL/p     1216
Aug   -Nov/2000   FM/F2JD         1207
NOW ?             FO (DJ6SI)      1217 *
May   -Nov 25     FO0DEH          1215
Jan 7 -           FW5ZL           1191

NOW   -mid Oct    J3/G3TBK        1209
Oct 5 -Oct 8      KH0M            1217 *
Oct 5 -Oct 8      KH0T, KH0V      1217 *
NOW   -2002 ??    NH6D/KH4        1200
NOW AGAIN         KH6ND/KH5       1217 *
May 8 -Oct/2000   KH5, KH5K       1197-1211
Sep 28-Oct 8      LX0GDH, LX0GDJ  1214
Sep 30-Oct 7      OH0KCB etc      1217 *
NOW               OJ0/DL7SEP      1217 *
Sep 28-Oct 12     SV9/HA4XG/p     1216
Oct 1 -Dec 31     SY2A            1217 *
Oct 6 -Oct 9      T88JJ, T88FX    1217 *
Oct 4 -Oct 7      T88NK etc       1217 *
Aug   -mid Nov    T99ZZ           1214

      -Oct 8      V5/DL6DQW/p     1213
NOW   -Dec/2000   VK0MM           1176-1191, 1197, 1198
Sep 5 -Oct 4      VP5/K4ISV       1213
Sep 30-Oct 2      VU2HF2000       1217 *
Oct 6 -Oct 7      XE2/HA3JB etc   1217 *
Oct 10-Oct 15     XT2 (DL7DF etc) 1216
Oct 5 -Oct 13     XU7ABD          1216
Oct 2 -Oct 5      XU7ABF          1216
NOW   -Dec/2001   YI9OM           1186
Sep 28-Oct 5      YJ2AD, YJ2AU    1216, 1217 *
Sep 30-Oct 23     YJ0AYL, YJ0AZG  1216

"NEW": 1217 *

Bandspots of the last 7 days

   4X4DK       1823  0315Z via VE3MR, bureau
   HO1A        1824  0412Z via DL6MYL, bureau
   YK1AO       1828  0303Z via CBA
   YV1DIG      1822  0416Z via bureau

   FM5GU       3796  0316Z via KU9C
   HO1A        3785  0454Z via DL6MYL, bureau
   VP5/K4ISV   3793  0248Z via N2AU, also bureau

   5N2BHF      7054  0456Z via OE6LAG, bureau
   DU1/DK3GI   7005  2114Z via DL2MY, bureau
   HC8GR       7070  0509Z via N5KO, also bureau
   HK0VGJ      7006  0343Z via CBA
   XE1IDJ      7003  0437Z via bureau

   3B8CF      10104  0250Z via CBA
   HF0POL     10106  0031Z via SP3WVL, bureau
   OY3QN      10104  1735Z via OZ1ACB, bureau
   VK0MM      10103  0756Z see DXNL 1180, QRX !

   A35RK      14183  0724Z via W7TSQ, bureau
   VK0MM      14195  0652Z see DXNL 1180, QRX !
   XU7ABF     14176  1849Z via XW2A, see DXNL 1216

   3DA0RF     18070  1557Z via DL6DQW, bureau
   E4/G3WQU   18070  1745Z via bureau
   KL7HF      18076  1801Z via bureau
   VK9NS      18070  1809Z via CBA
   VP5VAC     18145  1139Z via bureau
   YJ0AYL     18142  0823Z via DL7AFS, bureau

   9Y/DL2RVS  21245  1752Z via DL2YY, bureau
   KH6XT      21289  1800Z via bureau
   YJ0AZG     21295  0609Z via DL7AFS, bureau

   8Q7AB      24905  1126Z via W7MP
   A61AJ      24950  0914Z via W3UR, bureau
   A35AD      24899  0907Z via YT1AD, bureau
   BV3/DJ3KR  24892  0801Z via DH3MG, bureau
   EP3HR      24904  0744Z via I2MQP, bureau
   J28NH      24944  1333Z via F5IPW, bureau
   P43E       24945  1742Z via bureau
   TF2WD      24940  1316Z via bureau
   TR8IG      24960  0827Z see DXNL 1155
   VQ9GB      24905  1435Z via K7GB, bureau
   YJ2AU      24945  0946Z via Z32AU, bureau

   3B8GL      28500  1042Z via 3B8CF, CBA
   3D2TC      28530  0821Z via CBA
   3W7CW      28014  0901Z see DXNL 1202
   BT4HAM     28495  1115Z via BY4RSA, direct
   FW5ZL      28010  0732Z see DXNL 1191
   HK3JJH     28460  1509Z via CBA
   HO1A       28495  1717Z via DL6MYL, bureau
   J28LP      28508  1514Z via F8UNF
   J69BB      28472  1641Z via CBA
   J87AB      28438  1444Z see DXNL 1151
   JT1FBX     28495  0714Z via JG5PJJ, bureau
   PJ7/OE2MON 28468  1657Z via bureau
   TR0A/p     28460  1041Z via G3OCA, bureau
   TR8CA      28522  1501Z via F6CBC
   TU5GD      28539  1555Z via N5FTR, bureau
   VP8/UT1KY  28495  1323Z via UT7UA, bureau
   YJ2AD      28504  0931Z via YT1AD, bureau


QSL Routes

QSLs arrived via buro: PA3GIO/HC8, J3A (WA1S), J37K (W8KKF), J68AZ, J73CCM (SM0CCM), OH0Z, PJ8/W1HL, R1ANP (Feb 2000, RW1AI), T32PO (N5PO), TM2K, TP50CE, V26YR (W2YR), V31KR + V31KX (W5FKX), ZK1HCU (DL9HCU), ZM7ZB (DJ4ZB).

QSLs arrived directly: CE0Z/OH3JF, S21VJ + XW2A (G4ZVJ), SU9ZZ (OM3TZZ), TT8JLB (F5BAR), YC1CVA, YC1LND.

TNX for information to 425 DXNEWS, 599 DX Report, Antarctic Bulletin/IK1GPG, AC4VV, ARRL DX News, CX1JJ, DB0SDX, DF1ZN, DF6EX, DH3MAY,DJ3CP,DK2JX,DL1GEH, DL1SBF, DL2BQV, DL7PR,F6AJA, GOList, HB9AGH, HB9DHK, HB9EAA, IK7AFM, OK1FAI, Les Nouvelles DX, MAYER QSL CARDS, ON6DP, OPDX, QRZ DX, RTTY DX NOTES,S57XX, The DAILY DX and others.